

Full Name: Maybelline Mary Ann Mary Katherine Chestnut Gerlach

Maybe is the protagonist and has to struggle throughtout the whole book to become who SHE wants to be, not who her mother wants her to be. What starts out as a journey to find her father whom she has never met turns into a long, and painful journey of discovering who she is, and that it's okay to let people in to see who you are.


Full Name:  Chessamay Chestnut Abajian Wing Marshall Wing Sinclair Alvarez

Chessy is Maybe's  overbearing mother. An ex- pagent queen, Chessy runs a charm school, and expects maybe to be just like her. Her inability to wait and see if someone really is who they say they are and if they are right for her causes MAybe to claim she will never get married. So when her new fiance, Jake Himmler, tries to rape Maybe and she believess that Maybe was coming on to him she sets the whole road trip idea on track. Later in the novel she discovers what a slimeball Jake is, calls off the wedding and comes around to being the mother she used to be.

Note: this is not an actual picture of " Chessy" it's just a picture I found of a Pagent Queen.



Full Name: Theodore Schnieder

One of Maybe's best friends, Ted was left in park as a baby with a copy of the book My Thai Baby. His rodeo clown parents found him and adopted him. He has the polar opposite family life of Maybe. His parents devote almost all of their time to him. Maybe turns to him whenever she needs a person to talk to and when she doesn't feel comfortable at home( when her mom is drinknig or after Jake tries to rape her) He ends up getting a job working for an old movie star, Gloria De la Tour and becomes extremly happy in L.A.


Real  Name: Daniel

Daniel "Hollywood" is Maybe's other bestie. He is tall and although he is white he has an afro. He gets Ted and Maybe to L.A. because he is already going to drive across country to start school at USC's film school. He has a crush on Maybe, but she just wants to be friends. He ends up winning the amatuer film making contest at USC, but the movie, about Maybe, really offends her and she is really upset. Will he be able to patch things up or will he fade out of the picture completely?

Sammy Wing

Sammy is Maybe's ex- stepdad.( numbers 2 and 4) He is the only one she actually liked. He also took the only picture of her that she likes. She ends up living with him and his girlfrieng Willow. He's the most welcoming people she meets in L.A. and she is really grateful for that throughout the story.


Full Name: Jessica Consuelo Guadalupe Morales Lopez

Maybe's new friend when she goes to L.A. She works on taco truck and employs Maybe without telling her uncle. Later Maybe has to be tested by him. She dreams of going to college in the East, but doesn't plan on it until she gets her acceptence letter. Before that however, she and maybe become fast friends working together on Benito's Taco Truck #4.



Real Name: Gunnar Gerlach

Name that he goes by: Gary Germain

 He is Maybe's biological  t.v. show producing father that her mom didn't marry. Maybe thinks he's going to be the perfect dad that she always wanted, but it turns out he is a complete jerk and she felt better before she met him.

Gloria De La Tour

Miss De la Tour is Ted's boss. She is a drama queen with fear of identity theft. At the end of the book she hires Chessy and Maybe to work at her mansion because Ted is going back to Kissimmee.